One of three teenagers are bullied and those with dandruff are twice as likely to be among them. Dandruff is a completely normal skin-condition that affects one in two of us, and it is treatable, yet just like so many other things, because of misconceptions and stigma it is a source of bullying. From research we know that bullying can have lifelong impact on mental health. No matter the reason, bullying should never be accepted.

In 2021, we launched #FreeTheShoulders, a campaign aiming to educate one million young people, parents and adults on how to fight all forms of bullying, including dandruff related bullying. Join us as we begin the fourth year of this campaign, and help us in the fight against bullying. This campaign provides dedicated resources focused on appearance-based bullying behaviours.

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#FreeTheShoulders to End Bullying

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So far 1,070+ schools have signed up,
reaching over 562,000 young people!

"The main thing I learnt from the workshops was to label my emotions. I now understand more about bullying and the impact it has on people. Appearance based bullying can be particularly hard as you could feel like you’re trapped in your own body."
"Since joining the #FreeTheShoulders campaign we’ve introduced student leaders in Year 10. There’s more understanding on how to deal with bullying and what to look for. Students know there’s support but also consequences for bullying."

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Our Press Release

Read more about how we are working with Head & Shoulders.

Read the Press Release

Head & Shoulders is the world’s #1 shampoo brand and we are on a mission to free the world from dandruff worries, physically and mentally.

Dandruff is a completely normal skin-condition that affects one in two of us, and it is treatable, yet just like so many other things, because of misconceptions and stigma it is a source of bullying. One out three teenagers are bullied and those with dandruff are two times more like to be amongst them. No matter the reason, bullying should never be accepted. This is why Head & Shoulders is joining forces with Anti-Bullying from The Diana Award.

“We are incredibly proud to join forces with Anti-Bullying from The Diana Award to educate one million kids, parents and teachers to help end bullying. As a brand we believe that nothing should stop you from feeling confident and enjoying life to the fullest and we want to use our platform and actions to help fight stigma and drive education, awareness and change in society.”
Helene Graffner, Communications Director, Head & Shoulders Europe

Find out more about Head & Shoulders